September 2016

Dr Payal on Domestic Violence Advocacy

Domestic Violence Advocacy Plan

In recognition of Domestic Violence being one of six College advocacy areas and following the release of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Domestic Violence, the NSW State Committee was proud to host an event at the NSW state office in April 2016, inviting

the menieres research fund and the whirled foundation sydney

3rd Annual Meniere’s Disease Research Symposium

The Meniere’s Research Fund and the Whirled Foundation Sydney support group have organised the 3rd Annual Meniere’s Disease Research Symposium. Researchers from Sydney Medical School, the University of Sydney, discussed recent progress made in understanding and treating this debilitating condition. Click the image below for more information.

hearing centre ent balance specialist

Hearing Centre Keeps Him on his Feet

Cheltenham resident Ian Wood is enjoying being able to take long walks again after his visit to the San’s Hearing and Balance Centre. The 77 year old former engineer suffered with Meniere’s disease, the debilitating condition thought to have also plagued Beethoven, Julius Caesar and